How to Use Pinterest on Your Tablet or iPad Pinterest is an online bulletin board which gives you a way to discover, organize and save objects (pictures, websites, and ideas with visuals) that inspire and inform you. It is a great way to save ideas for projects that you may want to do later, gather perspectives, discoveries and innovations of other people to make creative leaps in your own work. Or, just find out a non-toxic way to clean Aunt Joy’s silver teapot. Pinterest was started in March, 2010 by Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharp and Paul Sciarra as a tool for discovering inspiration. Today there are 100 million users. In the US, there are about 47 million users on Pinterest at any one time, and a third of the users are 40 or older. Between 2014 and 2015, there was an increase of 81% in those who did searches on Pinterest. The number of men who use Pinterest is the fastest growing segment of users. The good thing for those in the Second Half of Life is that Pinterest is a great way to stimulate your brain (you’ve been reading and hearing about the more we use our brains, the less likely we are to have memory problems as we age), expand your creativity, plan an important project or discover a new hobby. And, it can be really fun! Fun is good for your brain and your outlook on life. In 2014 Millennial Media told us that an increasing number of people are using 2 or more devices to access the Internet. Second-Half-of-Lifers (50+) have increased their use of mobile devices and decreased their use of PCs. Four Lessons in Setting Up and Using Your Pinterest Accout Setting Up...