Is Yoga the Exercise Program You’ve Been Looking For?

Is Yoga the Exercise Program You’ve Been Looking For?...

Over the last twenty years, yoga has become a household name. Celebrities and health gurus alike have been praising it for years. Now, you may think to yourself,  “Of course I know what yoga is, but there’s no way I’m able to do any of those crazy poses at my age”. If you, like many others entering the second half of their life, think that you’ve missed the ball when it comes to reaping the benefits of yoga, you couldn’t be more wrong. More and more studies are proving the positive effect of yoga for senior citizens, even those practicing for the first time. Read on to find out more about yoga, and the benefits you could be gaining by incorporating it into your life. Why Yoga? Senior citizens can improve their mental and physical health by incorporating yoga into their daily routine. Here are some of the proven benefits: Exercise Without the Strain Yoga’s slow, gentle movements, allow you to get the exercise your body needs without putting an unnecessary strain on your body. Regular exercise decreases the risk of death by a third and cuts the chances of getting a chronic disease by 40%. Adding yoga into your daily routine could literally save your life. Keeps Your Mind Sharp and Your Heart Happy Yoga is quite meditative, helping you calm your mind and find your center. Studies show that yoga can help better the quality of your life, lifting your mood and giving you the energy you need to move through your day easily. Improve your Flexibility One study showed that yoga increased lower-body flexibility by 34% in older people. Flexibility plays a huge role in mobility and independence, and by stretching certain muscles on a daily...
The Best Exercises for Introverts and Extroverts

The Best Exercises for Introverts and Extroverts...

Where do you get your energy? See which workout styles fit for you The ability to stick with an exercise program largely lies in finding an activity you enjoy. Extroverts and introverts each find happiness in different approaches. Forcing yourself into a workout that makes you uncomfortable isn’t likely to lead to success. “An extrovert gains energy from the outside,” says Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of Better than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love. “Think team sports or high-fives in aerobics class. Conversely, an introvert gets energized from within. Yoga may be a better fit.” Keep in mind that although one modality may be a better fit than another, Lombardo notes the benefits of experimenting outside your comfort zone. “While introverts may prefer working out on their own and shy away from classes, a cycling class, where everyone does their own thing on a bike, may be a great addition to their workout.” Even a situation involving a group can be good for those who prefer to keep to themselves if they can run on their own outside of the group if desired. Extroverts may also find balance in an introverted workout such as yoga or martial arts, Lombardo adds. Check out these expert tips to find the best approach for your personality. Best Extrovert Workouts Free weights You’ll likely find many extroverts in the free weight area (dumbbells, barbells, etc.), says Pete McCall, senior advisor for the American Council on Exercise (ACE). “They will be the ones lifting heavy and walking around to make sure everyone sees them lifting heavy. The free weight area allows the opportunity to stand out and demonstrate one’s strength or skill level in technical lifts.” People tend...
You’re Not As Active As You Think You Are

You’re Not As Active As You Think You Are...

Most people overestimate their exercise level, studies show If I were to ask you how active you are, what would you say? Do you consider yourself to be active and productive on most days of the week? Do you meet the recommended minimum of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week? Would you go so far as to say that you exercise frequently? Each month, the polling institution, Gallup, tracks survey data from individuals about their exercise and activity habits. One question Gallup asks is: “In the last seven days, on how many days did you exercise for 30 or more minutes?” If a respondent did so on three or more days out of the past seven, he or she is considered a frequent exerciser. Another question asks individuals to rate, on a scale from 1 to 5, how strongly they agree with the statement: “In the last seven days, you have felt active and productive every day.” A score of 4 or 5 counts them among the “Active and Productive” group for the survey. For the month of August 2015, 47 percent of respondents reported exercising frequently, while 67 percent said they felt active and productive. What’s the True Picture? Unfortunately, objectively measured data tells quite a different story. In a 2013 study published by the American College of Sports Medicine, researchers asked 1,751 adults aged 19 to 84 to complete the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), indicating their active and sedentary time, and breaking down their active time according to level of intensity (vigorous, moderate and “walking”). The researchers had the participants wear an accelerometer for seven continuous days to measure actual minutes of activity and sedentary time, as well as intensity of active minutes. The...
Exercise will seem easier when you cut out the negative self-talk.

Exercise will seem easier when you cut out the negative self-talk....

Exercise will seem easier when you cut out the negative self-talk Feeling unmotivated to exercise? If you repeatedly tell yourself how much you hate to do it, your workout may suffer from your bad attitude. Turning negative self-talk around allows you to not only feel better, but also to exercise harder and for longer periods of time, studies show. More intense exercise for longer periods burns more calories and may eventually help speed weight loss when done consistently. Cyclists who repeated motivational phrases to themselves, such as, “I got this,” pedaled for an average of two minutes longer and reported easier effort than when compared to a baseline ride, according to a study published in the journal, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. In short, what you say can and will be used against you (or for you!) during your workout. To transform negative thoughts into motivating ones, start by drawing a line down the middle of a piece of paper, says Jonathan Alpert, New York-based psychotherapist and author of Be Fearless: Change Your Life In 28 Days. “On the left, write the negative, self-defeating thought (the act of recognizing them is huge). On the right side, re-frame the thought,” Alpert says. Here are seven ways to fill out the right side of your paper with phrases to get you going: Instead of thinking: “I’m too old.” Change to: “I can make progress no matter what my age.” Age doesn’t discriminate, Alpert says. “A body is a body and it functions best when it is in shape, regardless of the age,” he notes. Also, exercise performs functions far beyond just making you look toned. Weight training, in particular, helps you maintain muscle that would otherwise diminish with aging (called sarcopenia)...
Walking 20 Minutes a Day Might Save Your Life

Walking 20 Minutes a Day Might Save Your Life...

A brisk walk could cut your risk of early death, even if you’re obese There’s now more encouraging evidence that you don’t have to run marathons to make a difference in your health. A brisk 20-minute walk each day could be enough to cut your risk of early death – even if you are obese, according to new research published Jan. 14, 2015. The study of more than 334,000 European men and women found that twice as many deaths may be attributable to lack of physical activity than to obesity. And a modest boost in activity could make a big difference, the study concluded. Small Change = Big Reward “This is a simple message: just a small amount of physical activity each day could have substantial health benefits for people who are physically inactive,” said Ulf Ekelund, of the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge, England, who led the study. He added, however, that we should really aim for more than that. “Physical activity has many proven health benefits and should be an important part of our daily life,” noted Ekelund. The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Exercise. Deadly Effects of Inactivity Inactivity puts you at increased risk of heart disease, cancer and early death, studies show. It can contribute to increased body mass index (BMI) and obesity, though the association with early death is independent of your BMI , the researchers said. In the Cambridge study, researchers found that the greatest reduction in risk of premature death occurred in the comparison between inactive and moderately-inactive groups. Subjects were categorized based on their level of work activity (such as being a desk worker vs. a nurse) and how active they were outside of...
Tai Chi: The Healing Art That Will Empower You

Tai Chi: The Healing Art That Will Empower You...

Tai Chi can enhance your second half of life in so many ways It is an ancient Chinese martial art form, and loosely translated it means “ultimate life force”. Using a series of movements that increase flexibility, build strength, and restore balance, Tai Chi helps a person reach a heightened sense of being. Many people tend to slow down, as they get older. Exercise can become more strenuous with age, taking its toll on the body. One of the many reasons Tai Chi has a big following in the mature community is because it is gentle, requiring little strain on the body. As you enter this part of life, it can help empower you by letting you connect to the strength inside of you, balancing your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. No longer does growing older have to mean growing weaker. Doctors and other Western medicine practitioners have recommended Tai Chi for years. There are more and more studies proving the beneficial nature of its practice. We’ve listed some of the benefits Tai Chi has to offer below. Fall Prevention and Balance Building Falling is the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries. One of Tai Chi’s biggest benefits (and the one backed by the most evidence) is that it increases your balance, thus reducing the risk of falling. It strengthens leg muscles and increases flexibility in the ankles, which helps you balance on uneven surfaces. Tai Chi also builds core strength, a vital part of maintaining your balance. Connect socially What a better thing to connect over than a shared interest in an engaging, beneficial exercise such as Tai Chi. Check out your local community center or senior citizens center to find out when are where classes...
Training Youth Back into Your Body

Training Youth Back into Your Body...

Taking care of your fascia can bring back ‘bounce’ and ease chronic pain Say the word “fascia” a few years ago and many people would have given you a blank stare, as apt to think you were referring to a houseplant as to your body’s critical connective tissue. Fascia refers to the extensive web of connective tissue underneath the skin. Historically ignored and assumed to play a passive role in daily movement and functioning, it’s now having a renaissance. Some researchers, progressive physical therapists and fitness professionals are beginning to think of fascia as a bigger player in the human movement system — and in overall health and well-being. Clinical studies are racing to catch up with what these progressive thinkers have learned. Meanwhile, anecdotal evidence supports the idea that knowing more about your fascia and how to take care of it — especially in middle age when it begins to lose elasticity — may help alleviate chronic pain, prevent injury and “keep the body young by keeping elasticity in your tissue,” says Thomas Myers, an anatomy expert and author of Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists. Says Myers: “We can train ourselves to be younger.” Here’s what you need to know about your fascia and how to care for it: What is fascia? Myers refers to fascia as “biological fabric.” If you cut away the top layer of skin, you would see fascia as a white sheath encasing your muscles. It looks a lot like the thin layer of tissue you find on chicken breasts in the supermarket. Fascia is comprised of collagen fibers and other proteins, says Dr. Partap Khalsa, deputy director of the Division of Extramural Research at NCCAM. “It’s composed of roughly...
7 Easy Ways to Build Strong Bones

7 Easy Ways to Build Strong Bones...

Jump 10 times, crush some cans and other tips to boost bone density Bone building reaches a peak during adolescence but then slows after age 25. In addition to this natural bone loss, we’re less likely to perform high-impact, bone-stimulating exercises (such as jumping) after age 50. This adds up to an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone breaks and fractures. Fortunately, you can build stronger bones at any age. A recent study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion shows that people who jumped 10 times twice daily increased bone density by .5 percent compared with those who didn’t and lost about 1.3 percent. (Note: the study did not include women with osteoporosis; jumping is not recommended in cases of weak bones.) Experts offer these seven easy tips for men and women to keep bones strong throughout their lives: Snack on yogurt and other calcium-rich foods. Including yogurt, cottage cheese and other low-fat dairy foods adds bone-strengthening calcium to your diet. “In addition to dairy products, choose fish with bones such as salmon, sardines or whitebait,” says registered dietitian Laura Jeffers. For additional benefits, serve these foods with a side of dark leafy green vegetables or broccoli, which also contain calcium. Other bone-building snacks include almonds, dried figs, calcium-fortified tofu and, if you prefer non-dairy, soy milk. Take a hike. Try to engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, by jogging, brisk walking or aerobics — at whatever level of ability, says Susan Randall, of the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). “As you build stamina, increase the duration and intensity of your exercise,” she says. To see real improvements in bone density, you need to push your intensity, says Cleveland Clinic physical therapist Maribeth Gibbon....