Leading A Simpler Life

Leading A Simpler Life

When I was younger, there was a point where I was moving every six months, whether it was just to a new neighborhood, or across the country to a new state. Although this was sometimes stressful, it did bring something positive to the table – it kept me from accumulating a lot of things. Every time I moved I only brought the essential things I needed, the things that were most dear to my heart. Now, having been in the same place for a while, with no plans to move anytime soon, I’ve noticed that over time, my once pared down collection of items has grown substantially. As we get older, it is easy to accumulate belongings and habits that no longer serve us. It is also harder to keep track of excessive belongings, to remember what you have, and where everything is located. Simplifying your life by clearing out some of that proverbial clutter can help you be happier, think clearer and make room in your life for things that are truly important. As you enter the second half of life, don’t be weighed down by the things of your past. Allow yourself to grow from them, and let them go. The easiest way to start simplifying your life is by following these two simple steps: identifying the important things in your life, and then eliminating everything else. However many people need more guidance than just that. Here’s a more detailed list of things you can do to simplify your life: What Does Simple Look Like to You Begin by writing out what a simple life looks like to you. What makes you happy? What brings joy into your life? What causes stress in your life? What feels...
Facing Depression in The Second Half of Life

Facing Depression in The Second Half of Life...

The later years of life often bring with them tremendous changes. With the freedom of retirement often comes increased isolation, which, coupled with medical problems and the loss of loved ones, finds many people entering the second half of their life with varying states of depression. Depression is a serious illness, one that affects 15 out of every 100 adults over the age of 65. Many who have never been depressed, may find themselves facing the onset of depression in the later part of their life due to being exposed to new stressors such as illness or hospitalization. Almost 25% of senior citizens with a chronic illness and 50% of nursing home residents are affected by depression. It’s important to recognize that depression is not a passing mood. The sadness that comes with grief or having an off day is very different than feeling depressed. While most people who are faced with grief or sadness of some sort can usually move through regular activities with little to no problems, people who suffer from symptoms of depression are often immobilized by their symptoms. Where grief comes in waves of varying intensity, depression is a persistent, unrelenting sadness that affects all parts of a person’s life. Without treatment, depression can worsen other illnesses, lead to disability, cause premature death or result in successful suicide. Many seniors will deny feeling sadness, but the symptoms of depression are far larger than just feeling sad.  Here are some other symptoms you may experience if you are depressed: Anxiety and Worry Memory Problems Feeling Hopeless or Helpless Easily Irritable Loss of Interest in Hobbies and Socializing Neglecting Your Personal Care Lack of Motivation No Energy Sleep Disturbances What causes this depression? According to Dr. Rafi...

About DBT

We, the team of creators, researchers, and writers for Designing Brighter Tomorrows, are here for those of you in your second half of life. We aim to bring you ideas on how you can live your life in the fullest, most satisfying ways possible. You have an abundance of life experience, and can step into a life where you are as healthy and able as possible.  Your families and communities need what you have to offer.  In many cultures across the world, those who have lived much of life are vital resources. We focus on seven areas that are each important in every life (see graphic below). Our aim is to have information available in many ways.  Keep coming back to visit us and see the new articles, videos, audio files, and graphic presentations that are available in these seven different areas. We will keep adding new topics.  There will be additional authorities in a number of areas who will be contributing their expertise to this website, so keep an eye out for what is new. Learn more – CLICK...