Where do you get your energy? See which workout styles fit for you The ability to stick with an exercise program largely lies in finding an activity you enjoy. Extroverts and introverts each find happiness in different approaches. Forcing yourself into a workout that makes you uncomfortable isn’t likely to lead to success. “An extrovert gains energy from the outside,” says Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of Better than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love. “Think team sports or high-fives in aerobics class. Conversely, an introvert gets energized from within. Yoga may be a better fit.” Keep in mind that although one modality may be a better fit than another, Lombardo notes the benefits of experimenting outside your comfort zone. “While introverts may prefer working out on their own and shy away from classes, a cycling class, where everyone does their own thing on a bike, may be a great addition to their workout.” Even a situation involving a group can be good for those who prefer to keep to themselves if they can run on their own outside of the group if desired. Extroverts may also find balance in an introverted workout such as yoga or martial arts, Lombardo adds. Check out these expert tips to find the best approach for your personality. Best Extrovert Workouts Free weights You’ll likely find many extroverts in the free weight area (dumbbells, barbells, etc.), says Pete McCall, senior advisor for the American Council on Exercise (ACE). “They will be the ones lifting heavy and walking around to make sure everyone sees them lifting heavy. The free weight area allows the opportunity to stand out and demonstrate one’s strength or skill level in technical lifts.” People tend...